Monday, September 1, 2008

Music Saves

I can't get enough of my music lately. I guess it's the only certain thing in an uncertain hormone-filled world of misguided teenage angst butted up against peri-menopausal angst coupled with mental superiority and jealous longing to have my whole life stretched out ahead of me like they do.

Oh, why is youth wasted on the young?

I find music very comforting and soothing after a long day of teaching private school seniors British Literature and college freshmen English Comp.

In reality, I am very much enjoying the new challenges of teaching high school students. I am studying a way more than I expected to get ready for each lesson. I'm getting a black belt in karate chopping complaints and kickboxing bad attitudes over the importance of studying Angles and Saxons. I also have some really sweet and over achieving students (mostly girls) that give me hope for the next generation. I even have one student that may is a budding comedian.

I still have my other gig at MDCC and my new crop of English Comp students are so different from last semester. I have several older students, mostly nurses, who are coming back to get higher certification. It's an interesting group. They aren't quite the slackers of last spring. These students on the whole, seem to have some goals regarding getting a degree. I hope I'm correct with this hunch because I have high hopes for them.

Here's a little of what I've been enjoying while I sip a glass of wine and get ready for the next day. This is Badly Drawn Boy singing "Once Around the Block" and I like the guitar and the easy sound.

This Marvin Gaye classic makes me want to DAINCE (that's better than dancing)! I stumbled across this song on the FM dial and remembered just how much I like this song and LOVE the man that sings it.

This song by Chromeo just cracks me up! It throws so many 80's elements into one song from the perky synthesizer to calling the girl a tenderoni. It's funny and catchy. I can't help but listen to this and smile. I also like their song "Bonafide Lovin'" This is for all the Tenderonis out there!


Lisa Melton said...

I love your new pink decor Lisa Lisa!!

Keetha said...

You crack me up! So glad the teaching is going well. It sounds interesting, if nothing else!