Friday, January 5, 2007

The time is ripe for writing

I promised myself that in 2007 I would start a blog. I am starting something that my husband can't quite wrap his head around because he is much more reserved, private and dignified than I am. I am going to start something that most of my good friends think is a colossal waste of valuable drinking time or story-watching time. They think reading blogs is something like watching for UFOs. It's a perfectly fine past time for wild-haired, scruffy people who mutter to themselves as they walk down the street but do you really want to ask them to speak up so you can hear?

Well, by the grace of the sweet baby Lord Jesus, here it is! My blog. My wild-haired, scruffy mutterings. My record of my inner voice / voices that won't let me sleep at night. I think it's going good so far, don't you?

What? Why is your forehead wrinkling up that way? Why are you looking like that? Don't go a away. I really like you! Sometimes great genius takes a while to settle in. Give it a minute or a decade. Call me!!!

I got the name special funny from a movie that I can't remember the name of or maybe I heard it Asian sounding man says in a whiny voice, "You think you so special funny. You not special! You not funny!" Anyway, it's really funny the way it plays out in my mind. You should hear it. If anybody could tell me the name of the movie then I could get some rest.

I live in a small town in the Mississippi Delta. Greenwood is home to the blues, catfish, lots of poverty, Viking Ranges and a whole bunch of funny, crazy fools that I call friends. I am a free lance writer and I work part -time at a bookstore. I have a wonderfully sane husband named Steven and two children: :Lucy, 6 and Cavitt, 4. My sweet angels are very good looking, super intelligent and special funny. They are a source of great entertainment and frustration- -so's my husband. He doesn't really like me talking about him because, like I said, he's real dignified-like and he has a respectable career. Please read the following disclaimer:

Any thoughts, words, quotes, intellectual musings or lack thereof are mine and do not in any way, shape or form reflect Steven's thoughts, ideologies, private fantasies, morals, etc., etc Amen. My husband shall be henceforth and everafter referred to as Super Steve in this blog. I take responsibility for all content posted here unless I've been drinking and then I blame the devil, who looks nothing like Super Steve. I don't even think they've met except at the bottom of a glass of cognac but that's a story for another post.

P.S. I put money away weekly for future therapy sessions that my children will probably require to come to terms with their maternal issues. If you would like to contribute, email me.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm so glad you decided to turn up the volume on your scruffy-haired mutterings...they ARE special AND funny! They are fabulously you and you are fabulously expressive. Congratulations on starting your blog this year...that too is (I wrote was and then corrected myself!) on my New Year's Resolution list and today is Jan. 15th and you have reminded and inspired me to get to it. I so hope that I can tap into at least half of the humor and grace you do when you write your blog! Have a fabulous writing day (every day...or as many as humanly possible!) :) (Camellia told me about your blog)